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FIRELINK  is an approved brigade automatic fire-alarm monitoring service that provides notification to the New Zealand Fire Service and/or the customer's designated call-out representatives of all critical fire activations instantly as they occur. FIRELINK is based on the latest Broadband Network technology and is regarded as the most advance Fire alarm monitoring system available in New Zealand today.
Customers Contractors Engineers
Broadband Fire Alarm monitoring technology such as FIRELINK allows for advanced Fire system technology including zone by zone reporting and individual fire sensor identification together with details about the fire sprinkler system water pressure levels including PSI readings and water reserve levels. Other features including the integration of all building services such as elevator emergency phones and building HVAC systems. Customers can also access the FIRELINK messaging system and receive advice about building services activity at the same time as the Fire Service and other building contractors. For more information customers should register with our Fire monitoring team today. Our company supports all Fire Alarm service contractors/agents and provides training on the Network Access Device (NAD) installation as well as the FIRELINK monitoring connection procedures. Our ALARMSWITCH monitoring technology allows Fire Alarm contractor/agents to offer more advanced addressable Fire panels including extended format systems that report zone and point information. Contractors can also log into our web based ALARMSWITCH  system and review their customers Fire alarm and sprinkler system activity in real time. ALARMSWITCH also provides reporting tools and instant messaging of Fire system activity to contractor staff around the clock. For more information contractors should register with our Fire monitoring team today. Fire engineers, Alarm service contractors and agents all agree that the speed and accuracy of the Fire alarm server unit inside the Network Access Device (NAD) is the best in the business. Each Fire Alarm server can support 8 PFA's DBA's standard, but each NAD can expand by adding any amount of Fire Alarm Servers to meet the customers requirements. Our NAD also supports Fire Alarm servers with extended zone/point reporting capability, UDP/LIP broadcasts devices and SGD Bus relay boards for 3rd party system integration. Our company has developed a universal Fire Alarm sever device that supports a full range of electronic and mechanical fire equipment for the purposes of monitoring. The Network Access Device (NAD) is at the heart of the FIRELINK solution ...Read More
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Fire-Link Brochure (980Kb)

Network Access Device (NAD)
Fire-Link Connection Forms (71Kb)
Fire Alarm Contractor - Full Set (826Kb)
NAD Installation Guide (680Kb)
ALARMNZ Automatic Messaging System (890kb)
Conditions of Service PDF(623kb)
SGD BUS Relay boards